



  • 需要创建的对象类型在运行时才确定。
  • 需要将对象的创建过程封装在子类中。
  • 系统中的对象有多个变种,需要通过子类来决定创建哪一个变种。
protocol DatabaseConnection { func connect() func disconnect() } class MySQLConnection: DatabaseConnection { func connect() { print("Connecting to MySQL database.") } func disconnect() { print("Disconnecting from MySQL database.") } } class PostgreSQLConnection: DatabaseConnection { func connect() { print("Connecting to PostgreSQL database.") } func disconnect() { print("Disconnecting from PostgreSQL database.") } } class SQLiteConnection: DatabaseConnection { func connect() { print("Connecting to SQLite database.") } func disconnect() { print("Disconnecting from SQLite database.") } } protocol DatabaseFactory { func createConnection() -> DatabaseConnection } class MySQLFactory: DatabaseFactory { func createConnection() -> DatabaseConnection { return MySQLConnection() } } class PostgreSQLFactory: DatabaseFactory { func createConnection() -> DatabaseConnection { return PostgreSQLConnection() } } class SQLiteFactory: DatabaseFactory { func createConnection() -> DatabaseConnection { return SQLiteConnection() } } func performDatabaseOperations(factory: DatabaseFactory) { let connection = factory.createConnection() connection.connect() // 执行数据库操作 connection.disconnect() } // 使用MySQL工厂 let mySQLFactory = MySQLFactory() performDatabaseOperations(factory: mySQLFactory) // 使用PostgreSQL工厂 let postgreSQLFactory = PostgreSQLFactory() performDatabaseOperations(factory: postgreSQLFactory) // 使用SQLite工厂 let sqliteFactory = SQLiteFactory() performDatabaseOperations(factory: sqliteFactory)




  • 需要创建一系列相关或相互依赖的对象。
  • 系统中的产品对象有多个产品族,每个产品族中的对象具有一致性。
  • 需要确保在一个产品族中的对象一起使用时是兼容的。
protocol Button { func render() } protocol TextField { func render() } class WindowsButton: Button { func render() { print("Rendering Windows button.") } } class MacOSButton: Button { func render() { print("Rendering MacOS button.") } } class WindowsTextField: TextField { func render() { print("Rendering Windows text field.") } } class MacOSTextField: TextField { func render() { print("Rendering MacOS text field.") } } protocol GUIFactory { func createButton() -> Button func createTextField() -> TextField } class WindowsFactory: GUIFactory { func createButton() -> Button { return WindowsButton() } func createTextField() -> TextField { return WindowsTextField() } } class MacOSFactory: GUIFactory { func createButton() -> Button { return MacOSButton() } func createTextField() -> TextField { return MacOSTextField() } } func createUI(factory: GUIFactory) { let button = factory.createButton() let textField = factory.createTextField() button.render() textField.render() } let windowsFactory = WindowsFactory() createUI(factory: windowsFactory) let macFactory = MacOSFactory() createUI(factory: macFactory)